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Scott Thomas Outlar

Comes the Vision


It would be 5 a.m.

but the clocks fell back


Still, at 4 a.m.

I’m wired


With the rain falling

outside my open window


Reading great verses

penned by brilliant poets from around the world


All in the comfort 

of a room where I work, eat, sleep, live


Just remember once in awhile

to take a good deep breath


In this calm peaceful moment

visions of the future are vivid


Art is vital to evolution

I can see it in the way the genes swarm


Though hope may occasionally shutter

my faith is as solid as a rock


Because light shines from great minds

around the world


The view of a focused Renaissance

appears to crystallize into perfect form



An opossum

in the midnight rain


across the street

picking at the grass

on the far side

as I sit/stare/smile

on the porch


Rare encounters

in the suburbs

such as these

get me all fired up

about synchronicity

in the eyes of nature


A deer

from the same spot

stared back at me

some weeks ago

during the same hour

as I smoked

and we shared

our perfect



Sing Along



splish splash

in driveway puddles


Wet leaves

soak the moisture/even

as they lose vitality


Foggy six o’clock

post meridiem blues

sing solemnly


Whistling winds

add subtle flare

to the evening symphony


I sit/smile/

soak in the beauty/shiver

Knot Magazine

Scott Thomas Outlar hosts the site where links to his published poetry and fiction can be found. His chapbook "Songs of A Dissident" was released in January of 2016 through Transcendent Zero Press, and his words have appeared recently in venues such as Words Surfacing, Fauna Quarterly, Yellow Chair Review, Dissident Voice, and Literary Orphans.


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