KNOT Magazine
Fall Issue 2022
Samantha Terrell
in the moist basement
of our youth
there was a pool-table
with its relentlessly obtuse
angles, thwarting
boredom between
family meals.
but the naïve
are short-sighted,
ignoring the warnings that fertility
exists for Growth. and soon bright
orange and green billiard balls
would be forever sunken in
our memory’s pockets; a filled in foundation
why, when clouds
float by above
does one see
butterflies and elephants,
while another
conjures up cell phone
towers, and guns,
and drones?
or, are those
the real things
in our modern skies
rather than envisionings?
and all this time I was told
we emulate that to which we are exposed
Samantha Terrell is a published poet who resides in Missouri with her husband and two children. She has found homes for her work in: DoveTales by Writing for Peace (Colorado); the Ebola Chapbook by West Chester University (Pennsylvania); and LaBloga Floricanto (an online publication), among others.